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Commercial moving can be a stressful event, especially if there's undue interruption to your business. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are a few pointers for scheduling your office move during the times of year that affect your business the least.

Moving a Business: The Best Time of Year

The best time of year for moving a business depends on a couple of factors, namely what sort of business considerations you're facing and what the weather might be like.

Business Considerations, Part 1

Simple business considerations may have more to do with determining when to move your business than anything else. After all, if you're in the hospitality industry, and summer and spring break vacationers represent your highest sales volume, then you probably want to avoid moving during those seasons. In such cases, moving a business during the fall or winter instead would almost certainly make more sense.

On the other hand, if you're in the retail industry, and the holiday season between November and January is your busiest time of year, you'd obviously be better off moving during a period of lower sales volume.

And, if you're a project-based company, like an engineering firm or a company that requires warehouse relocation, you'll want to schedule your move far in advance and do your best to schedule your move around expected start and finish dates of major projects.

Any company considering relocation should consult key stakeholders for important sales volume and workload issues that need to be taken into account.

What's the Weather Like?

Believe it or not, weather also plays a crucial role in determining when you should move your business. Inclement weather can cause unforeseen and unavoidable delays in packing, transporting, and unpacking. For example, ice or snow — in your departing city, en route, or in your destination city — can cause road closures, accidents, severe traffic, or slow driving conditions. Any one of those issues by itself could cause delays that ultimately affect the operation and performance of your business.

For best results, schedule your move based on what part of the country your business is located and where you're moving. For example, if your business is in the Northeast, Northwest, or Midwest, you may want to try and avoid the snowy winter months and perhaps even early spring. Or, if you're along the Gulf Coast or Atlantic Coast, avoid scheduling a move during hurricane season, which runs from June 1 through November 30.

Moving a Business: The Best Days of the Week

Just like choosing the best time of year for moving your business, the key to determining the best days of the week for relocations requires you to take into account some basic business considerations.

Business Considerations, Part 2

For some companies, considering sales volumes when moving a business means more than choosing a season, it means drilling down to specific days of the week. For example, a retail business that records most of its register transactions on Saturday and Sunday will likely want to schedule a move between Monday and Thursday during a slow month.

For other companies not open or conducting major business on Saturday and Sunday, a weekend move might make a lot more sense.

Again, you'll want to reach out to key stakeholders in your business for specific information to nail down specific days of the week for moving your business.

Whatever You Do, Plan Ahead With Your Commercial Mover

If you're moving a business, we're pretty sure you're not shooting from the hip at the last minute. In fact, the companies that pull off the smoothest and least stressful moves are the ones that develop a detailed plan with their commercial movers far in advance of their expected move date.

If you don't plan far enough ahead, you may have to settle for a part of the year or time of the week that isn't ideal. That's not the end of the world, of course. Successful office moving takes place throughout the year, regardless of the season or the weather. That said, when it comes to moving a business, the early bird gets the worm. 

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