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Electronics are sensitive to temperature, humidity, and dust. Proper packing is necessary to ensure the safe transportation of your computer, tablet, and other electronic devices.

Before the move

You should get an estimate of the current retail value of your computer equipment, accessories, and software. Take depreciation into consideration. This will help you select the protection plan most appropriate for you.


Home computers travel best in their original carton and packing material. If this is not an option, we recommend you let us pack it for you in a sturdy box with plastic bubble wrap and crumbled packing paper as protective cushion. Please be aware that warping may occur because of extreme temperatures build up inside the moving van. It is always a good idea to back up your files to an external drive, and pack it separately.

If you are moving a printer, remove the toner and ink cartridges. You should take the cartridges with you, especially in the summer. In some models, the printer head should be secured – preferably with the original cardboard or plastic parts – to prevent it from shifting. Consult the owner's manual.

The remainder of your accessories should be packed in crumpled, unprinted newsprint in the bottom of a sturdy box.

At delivery

Carefully check and mark off the inventory when your shipment is delivered. Allow the computer to reach room temperature before using. If it has been particularly cold, watch out for condensation as moisture can also cause damage.

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